Sunday, November 17, 2019
We met Marcia 50 years ago in a quiet neighborhood in Baltimore when we had four children under the age of five.It was good that we lived below their apartment. My husband, Tim, was recently back from Vietnam and Marcia and Arthur's front door was covered with the original poster, "War is not healthy for children and other living things." Instead of clashing, we developed a half century of friendship and respect based on the gentle, loving, caring devotion that Marcia and Arthur represented, every day of their 58 years together. Marcia always had something new to teach us about Jewish genealogy, about history through stamps, about Arthur's latest project, and Naomi and Ruth's adventures. But Marcia's gift was being a two way street. She wanted to learn as much as she wanted to share.So our conversations, our giggles, our recipes, our pride in our families, our discouragements, and our hopes and dreams came together, not often enough when I acknowledge her passing. Marcia was a great and loyal friend.