Querido Josh, sentimos mucho la partida de tu papi, un gran hombre de muchos ejemplos a seguir, gran guerrero y luchador, que ahora finalmente descansa y goza plenamente de La Vida Eterna.
Te abrazamos con todo nuestro cariño
Nuestras condolencias para tu mami y hermanas
Te queremos mucho
Merrianne & family, you are in our thoughts & prayers. We’re so very sorry to hear about Rick & your loss. Sending our love and hugs. Love, Dick & Marge
Hi Sally and Laurie and MariAnne and families. Being part of your family during my high school years gave me a true sense of family. Seeing Ricky and MariAnne together as high school sweethearts; hanging out with Sally with little sis Laurie were days I looked forward to. Many memories I have of all of you and the wonderful parenting of Nancy and Dick. You are all in my thoughts and prayers as you go through this transitioning time. Love, (Chris) Tina
Merrianne and family
Old friends in life are good friends forever and a true gift. Remembering the recent visits with you and Rick, walks in the woods with Dinah and long talks about the past , will be missed but never forgotten.. Rest in peace RickO'