I wish to convey my profound sadness with the loss of your father Bob. Bob was a great public servant for the Town of Westbrook and is responsible for so many valuable projects including the establishment of Park & Rec. I came to know him through many conversations and I considered him a personal friend. It is individuals like Bob who have made Westbrook a strong, vibrant community. I know that I am joined by all of our municipal employees and many members of the public in conveying our condolences for a truly great man.
To the Robert H. Post Family:
As former neighbors of Bob and Vivian in Westbrook, we will always remember them fondly and truly miss their good nature, warmth and humor!
Steve Selden
I Met Bob rather late in life but considered him a very good friend. Almost every morning we would meet at "Christy's" over a cup of coffee or two. Each fall I would help him get his boat out of the water and in the spring we would put it back. Three years ago I left CT but I am glad that I met him if only a few short years and will cherish my memories of him.
I send my condolence to the Post family, I met Mr Post when I was a child growing up in Westbrook and was in his son's (Richard) class in school. Always thought he was a nice man.